Leadership Day 2024

Leadership Day 2024

We are all in this TOGETHER

September 20, 2024, 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.  
ESMT Berlin, Schlossplatz 1, 10178 Berlin

This event will take place on ESMT campus. To attend the event in person, please register using the form below. 

In our interconnected world, workplaces mirror the diversity of society, bringing together a broad spectrum of opinions, beliefs, and realities. This diversity, while enriching, can also present complex ethical challenges for leaders and their teams.

Understanding these challenges is crucial. It allows us to appreciate different perspectives and address conflicts and stakeholder concerns effectively. Beyond mere analysis, the implementation of ethical practices is vital.

Acting with integrity and nurturing an organizational culture that values diverse viewpoints yet remains anchored in shared ethical principles is imperative for all involved.

Join us for Leadership Day 2024 at ESMT Berlin to explore three main themes that, when addressed, can equip leaders with the tools to foster inclusive and principled environments:

Value-driven leadership: Discover how to lead with authenticity and purpose. Engage with thought leaders who have redefined success through values-driven leadership. Learn practical tools to foster a culture of integrity and inspire your team to achieve extraordinary outcomes.

Reinventing human capital: Human capital is your organization’s greatest asset. Explore innovative approaches to talent, employee engagement, and workforce development. Gain insights from top HR professionals and industry experts on how to attract, retain, and nurture the best talent.

Integration success: Leading global teams is a challenge for more than leaders alone. How can you safeguard psychological safety, open communication, and mutual understanding of values inside your organization if your team only works remotely – never meeting physically or socially? How do individuals in underrepresented groups succeed in a global society?

Keynote speakers:

Virginia Bastian, Head of People & Culture and Labor Director, Roche Germany
Fabiola Fernandez, CFO, SMS Group
Anke Dassler, CFO, Ista SE
Matthew S. Bothner, Professor and Deutsche Telekom Chair in Leadership and HR Development, ESMT Berlin
Simon Kretschmer, CEO, Table Media GmbH

The Respektraum initiative embodies this principle by fostering respectful dialogue and empathy in an increasingly polarized society. We invite you to a 90-minute cultural event, moderated by actress and co-founder Laura Kiehne, where your diverse perspectives will contribute to meaningful discussions. Together, we can break down barriers, build psychological safety, and embrace our roles in a broader community.

What to expect

  • Experience-based approach: Engage in an interactive learning environment emphazising practical understanding and hands-on involvement.
  • Network dynamics: Participate in exchanges with keynote speakers on equal footing, fostering open dialogue and shared insights. Use the chance to map your network, measure your ability to foster connections – and start improving it.
  • Leadership challenges: Peer coach on success and failure stories, applied academic and practical frameworks of value-based leadership and integration.

After the program, we warmly invite you to stay for networking.

Who should attend?

  • Chief human resources officers (CHROs)
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Senior executives and leaders
  • People and culture experts
  • Coaches
  • Business strategists

Share your invitation

If you have a network you want to invite, please forward your invitation and copy (cc:) bd@esmt.org.

This is a collaborative event. As you know, collaboration is dynamic. And it takes time, effort - and it's completely worth it. We'll keep you updated on changes in topics, methods and partners - feel free to reach out to us with your expectations. 


We are proud to partner with:


Respektraum e.V. (Arts partnership)


Lebenswelten GmbH (Sponsoring)

